
Digitally yours.

Welcome to HBLive! We are your 24/7 streaming platform, providing seamless entertainment at your fingertips. Our dedicated support team is available around the clock to assist you with any inquiries or technical issues. Enjoy a non-stop streaming experience with the best content and reliable assistance, all day, every day. Happy streaming! 🎥🌟

Self-promotion and global connection

How HBLive is protecting its community:

No Nudity or Sexual Content

Any of the following sex-related activities or the transmission of any material that encourages sexual behavior, exploitation, or violence are absolutely prohibited by HBLive for our broadcasters. Although extra content may be authorized for educational content or pre-approved, further limits must always be observed. Sexually indicated content or behaviors are also forbidden. Any content concerning underage eroticism should be restricted in anything affecting minors. We retain the right to inform the appropriate law enforcement agencies of usage of prohibited content.

No Bullying & Harassment

We forbid the use of HBLive for any bullying, harassment, or hate speech, regardless of whether the target is on HBLive. We forbid people, groups, or organizations that engage in such activity from using our services. The following, among others, describe the nature of this content:

  • statements that are derogatory or degrading because of: race or ethnic origin; religion or belief; handicap; gender; age; nationality; appearance or physical characteristics; or sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • putting up photoshopped or edited photographs of someone with the intent to make them seem bad, or posting images or videos of someone being physically bullied with the intention of making the victim feel ashamed.
  • Sharing/displaying personal info of an individual for the purpose of blackmail or harassment.
  • Profanity and/or vulgarity of any kind.
No Illegal or Criminal Activities

It is expressly forbidden to publish anything that has to do with the use, consumption, or exhibition of illegal substances or drug-related accessories. On HBLive, anything that emphasizes users’ usage of alcohol and/or cigarettes is severely discouraged. Use caution, as we reserve the right to block the account and cooperate with law enforcement where we feel there is a real possibility of bodily harm or a clear danger to the public’s safety, including but not limited to the following:

  • Content in connection with the use, mention or display of illicit drugs and/or drug paraphernalia.
  • Smoking or drinking during a broadcast.
  • Cause physical or financial harm to people, animals, property, or businesses directly or indirectly.
  • Used by or in the presence of a minor during a broadcast.
No Violence

HBLive will not tolerate any threats or efforts to do damage to or murder people. Although we must respect anyone who might be disturbed or offended by your Content or message as a community, you are ultimately responsible for your own physical and psychological health and well-being. We sternly forbid the following actions as a result, including but not limited to:

  • Advocate or encourage suicide and self-injury.
  • Promote or encourage physical violence, sensational or shocking acts that tend to cause harm or discomfort towards yourself / others / child or animals.
  • Dangerous or distracted driving.
  • Over-focusing on extreme or unreasonable bloody or violent content..
No Private Content

HBLive values other people’s privacy and makes every effort to protect the data you share with us. HBLive has the right to decide whether any private content is unlawful on an individual basis and in our sole discretion. Please follow suit and avoid from using any content that invades the privacy of others or makes their personal or sensitive information public. Private information examples could include, but are not restricted to, the following:

  • Personal addresses or locations that are considered or treated private, and/or non-public personal phone numbers and email addresses.
  • Social security or other national identity numbers or credit card information.
  • Intimate videos or photos taken or distributed without the subject’s consent.
  • Videos or images that are considered private under applicable laws.
No Spamming

On our site, HBLive strictly forbids users from turning a profit for business purposes. Please refrain from using false or inaccurate information and refrain from engaging in the following actions, including but not limited to:

  • Deliberately collect likes, tracking Numbers, free virtual currency, or contact other users for commercial purposes without consent.
  • Advertise any product or service, whether it is legal or illegal, through live content or any user information, fields, etc.
  • Publish or distribute unauthorized ads, duplicate messages, or user reports.
  • Phishing.
  • Spread malware or viruses.
  • Sell or share user accounts;
  • Resell HBLive services or features.
Reporting Abuses and Complaints.

Since HBLive is a community, we greatly value your support. You are invited to contact us at to report any content or conduct you think to be in violation of our Guidelines. Please understand and abide by the following requirements since we take your reports very seriously and, in the majority of situations, will ask you for information:

  • Please tell us why you think that content should be removed (e.g., whether the content involves sexual, illegal or violent acts), and attach a screenshot/Screen Recording and User ID to support.